Genius RF Microneedling - Why Its So Effective For Skin Tightening and Acne Scars
Lutronic Genius RF Microneedling combines Radiofrequency with Microneedling to target multiple depths of your skin to stimulate collagen & elastin production. Both mechanisms of Microneedling & heating tissue with Radiofrequency causes injury to the tissue beneath the epidermis. Injury triggers the body’s natural healing cascade which in turn promotes the building of new collagen & elastin.
After the age of 20, we lose about 1% of collagen every year. To keep skin appearing youthful and healthy, it is important to maintain abundant levels of collagen and elastin. Collagen is a protein made up of amino-acids and makes up about a third of all of the protein in your body. Collagen is often referred to as the “glue that holds everything together.” It keeps the skin elastic and firm.
Lutronic Genius RF Microneedling combines Radiofrequency with Microneedling to target multiple depths of your skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production. Both mechanisms of Microneedling and heating tissue with Radiofrequency causes injury to the tissue beneath the epidermis (top layer of the skin). Injury triggers the body’s natural healing cascade which in turn promotes the building of new collagen and elastin.
What does genius do?
Builds collagen and elastin
Tightens skin (reduces wrinkles and improves loose skin)
Improves acne by reducing pore size and sebum (oil) production
Improves acne scars
Improves appearance of cellulite and stretch marks
Genius RF for Acne Scars:
Genius RF for wrinkles:
how does genius work?
There are 4 different tips to choose from depending on what target areas are desired. The face tip has 49 very fine needles which can be programmed to target specific depths. Deeper depths achieve facial contouring and fat reduction where desired (such as in the jowl’s or under eye bags). Emitting radiofrequency at more superficial depths cause skin tightening which has greater effects on reducing wrinkles. The goal of treatment with Genius is to target multiple depths to achieve various desired effects.
Genius is safe for all skin types because it avoids injury to the epidermis (top layer of skin) where the melanocytes (pigment cells) reside. Although there is still a rare chance of hyperpigmentation (dark discoloration of the skin), it is unlikely.
How Does Genius compare with Morpheus 8 or Other RF Microneedling Devices on the Market?
Genius RF Microneedling by Lutronic distinguishes itself from other RF microneedling devices on the market by the superior effectiveness of the treatments without the associated downtime. Because there are 49 needles per tip (compared with 24 needles with Morpheus 8), more energy can be emitted, producing a higher level of skin tightening. In addition, the Genius needles are finer and more flexible, causing less epidermal injury, less risk for bruising, bleeding, or scratches often seen with Morpheus 8 treatments.
1 week after Morpheus 8 Treatment
Immediately after Genius + Ultra Laser
Combining Genius RF Microneedling with LaseMD Ultra:
While Genius RF Microneedling affects the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production resulting in skin tightening and reduced appearance of scars, LaseMD Ultra is a resurfacing laser that works on the more superficial layers of the skin to improve fine lines/wrinkles, smooth texture, and remove unwanted pigment. Both treatments can be performed on the same day for optimal results.
Genius pre-treatment: What should I do to prepare?
Before your Genius treatment, it is important to take these steps:
Medical Clearance and Consent: The Rejuve Medspa team will make sure to answer your questions and address any concerns.
Stop any Retinols or Tretinoin (Retin-A) products 1 week before Genius
Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning (wear daily sunscreen) 3-4 weeks before treatment.
Tell your provider if you have any history of herpes simplex or shingles in the treatment area - this will require that you take anti-viral medications to prevent a break-out.
Clean skin: avoid applying make-up, ointments or creams to the treatment area.
Avoid aspirin or Motrin (ibuprofen) 1 day prior to Genius treatment. You may not be a candidate for Genius if you are taking blood thinners.
what can i expect during Genius treatment?
Topical numbing medication will be applied after your skin has been thoroughly cleansed. The numbing medication is left on the skin for 1 hour before treatment begins. A section of your treatment area will be cleansed before microneedling on that section begins.
The microneedling tip has very fine needles that make the procedure tolerable. The providers at Rejuve Medspa will answer all your questions and take you step by step through the process.
genius post-treatment: what should I do after treatment?
Avoid any skin products or cleansers to treated area for 12 hours. Then use gentle cleanser for 2 weeks.
Avoid any strenuous activity for 24 hours (sweating increases risk for infection).
Avoid wearing Make-up for 2-3 days.
Use mineral-based sun screen daily.
Avoid excessive heat or sun exposure for 1 week.
Avoid Tretinoin or Retinol for 1 week.
Avoid Lasers, BBL or IPL for 4 weeks.
Recommend DefenAge 8:1 bioserum twice daily to help regenerate new skin cells.
Your providers at Rejuve Medspa can answer your questions about other skin care products or concerns you may have.
what to expect after genius treatment:
1 day Post-Treatment: Redness and transient edema, skin begins to turn to a condition similar to before treatment.
3 days - 1 week Post-Treatment: Brighter skin tone and significant reduction in sebum secretion in oily skin types.
1 month Post-Treatment: Improvement of fine wrinkles and skin laxity.
1-3 months Post-Treatment: Continuous improvement of fine wrinkles, pores size, scars and skin laxity.
Common expected skin reactions include erythema (redness), edema (swelling), transient pin-point bleeding, and very slight discomfort after treatment. Pin-point bleeding should stop within minutes after application, discomfort within a few hours and erythema and edema gradually diminishes to normal in 1 to 3 days.
Crusting begins to appear 1 – 2 days after treatment and sloughs off in 3 – 5 days.
Other less common skin reactions include petechia which fade in a few days or bruising (purpura) which can take up to a week to disappear.
Other skin reactions include irritation, itching, and burning sensation. These typically subside in a few hours to 1 day, but may get aggravated with heat or sweating. If these reactions continue consider evaluating for possible infection, changing their skin care regimen and/or short-term use of mild topical steroid.
when should i follow up?
It is best to wait 4-6 weeks before seeking another Genius treatment.
before and after photos
genius for skin rejuvenation, skin tightening
genius for acne scars
genius for nasolabial folds and wrinkles
Laser Hair Removal - Why the Type of Laser Matters
Laser Hair Removal is the most effective treatment for permanent hair removal. Lutronic Clarity II is a high-powered 755/1064nm that provides safe & effective Laser Hair Removal treatment for a broad range of skin types. Clarity II has continuous temperature sensing & built-in Cryogen (cold air) to allow for comfortable Laser Hair Removal treatments.
Tired of shaving or waxing?
Want a more effective and long-lasting solution for hair removal? Laser Hair Removal permanently removes hair by destroying the hair follicles, saving time and the hassles associated with other methods of hair removal.
How many sessions will I need? Typically 5-6 sessions (this varies from person to person). You can expect 80-90% reduction of hair growth after 6 sessions.
Is it painful? Laser Hair removal with Clarity II is more comfortable than other lasers because it has continuous temperature sensing to prevent over-heating. There is also built-in cryogen that cools the skin during the laser treatment. No numbing medication is required.
What do I need to do to prepare? Your skin should be clean & well-shaven before your laser hair removal appointment.
Is there any downtime? There is minimal down-time. We will provide detailed instructions on before and after care for Laser Hair Removal.
How much does Laser Hair Removal Cost? Depending on the area, costs can vary. Please review our booking link for more information about pricing. Look under the tab labeled “Hair Removal”: Booking/Pricing link
what is the best type of device for laser hair removal?
755nm is the Gold Standard for laser hair removal. It has been clinically shown to be the most effective wavelength to target pigment contained in hair follicles to permanently destroy them. But are all devices with 755 nm wavelength created equally? Well, ask yourself if a Honda Civic has the same horse power and speed that a Ferrari does. The type of car engine determines how a car performs on the road. Consider Clarity II to be the Ferrari of Laser Hair Removal devices. Clarity II has up to 100 Joules of power, more powerful than other devices on the market.
What does more power mean & what are the benefits of clarity II?
Two times faster treatments
Fewer sessions required for effective permanent removal of hair
Temperature sensing for continuous real-time skin temperature feedback
Built-in Cryogen (cold air) to allow for more comfortable treatments
Dual wavelength 755/1064 nm to increase safety for treating different skin types
what are the different types of hair removal and how effective are they?
There are many ways to remove unwanted hair. Shaving, hair removal creams, waxing, and epilators are temporary ways to remove hair. Each has their own disadvantages potentially leading to infection, ingrown hair, skin irritation, and even hyper-pigmentation (darkening) of skin. Laser hair removal permanently removes hair by destroying the hair follicles, saving time and the hassles associated with other methods of hair removal.
What’s the difference between IPL, DIODE and laser?
Laser is an acronym for “Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. Lasers have a single wavelength. Whereas IPL stands for “Intense Pulse Light”, and is a collection of very bright lights with multiple wavelengths. IPL is only safe for lighter skin types, but should not be used for people with darker skin tones due to it’s higher risk for burns. IPL is painful, thus requiring gel and numbing cream. IPL is not nearly as effective for hair reduction compared to lasers. Diode uses semiconductor technology that produces coherent projection of light in the visible to infrared range. Diode uses a light beam with a narrow spectrum to target specific chromophores in the skin. Diode is also painful and less effective than lasers for hair removal.
Why choose Clarity II?
When considering where to get Laser Hair Removal, it pays to do your homework. Compare apples to apples. IPL is not a laser, and it is not safe to use for individuals with darker skin due to the higher risk of hyper-pigmentation and burns. Some laser hair removal devices are considered painless, but may require 12 or more sessions. Clarity II is a high-powered 755/1064 nm with two different wavelengths to allow for flexibility in safely treating a broad range of skin types.
how many laser hair removal sessions will i need?
Hair growth has different stages. Lasers cannot effectively destroy a follicle in it’s dormant stage. Therefore treatment sessions will be spaced 6-8 weeks apart. It typically takes 5-6 sessions for effective Laser Hair Removal with Clarity II, but this varies from person to person based on their skin type, color and thickness of hair, and any associated hormonal imbalances or medical problems. At Rejuve Medspa, all clients seeking Laser Hair Removal will be assessed by a qualified medical doctor prior to treatment.
Is Laser Hair Removal Painful with Clarity II?
Clarity II has continuous temperature sensing to avoid over-heating during the treatment. It also has built-in cryogen to provide cold air during the treatment to help reduce any pain. Clarity II Laser Hair Removal is much less painful than IPL or Diode. Therefore, numbing medication is not required.
is there any downtime after laser hair removal?
There is minimal downtime associated with Laser Hair Removal. It is common to have mild swelling and redness around the hair follicles immediately after treatment, but this quickly resolves. You will be provided with detailed aftercare instructions following your Laser Hair Removal treatment at Rejuve Medspa.
What should I do to prepare for Laser Hair removal?
You will want to avoid tanning. Tanned skin adds more pigment to your skin, making you more prone to burns during the Laser Hair Removal treatment. Clean, well-shaven skin is advised prior to treatment.
Laser Hair Removal Before & After Photos
Find Out More About Laser Hair Removal
Rejuve Medspa is located at the Newcastle Commons in Newcastle, WA. This area is conveniently close to Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Issaquah, Renton, and Redmond.